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It is good to know what a noun is to have a good start in a language.

A noun names a person, a place, a thing or an idea.

Nouns are the names of real or abstract things in our lives. A noun that gives a name to a real thing is a 'concrete' noun. 'Happiness' is an idea or concept which is why it is called an abstract noun.

We make a noun plural by adding an 's'.
Bottle  - bottles, cup – cups, car – cars, door – doors, pen – pens, window – windows

For nouns that end in 'ch', 'x', 's', or /s/ sounds you must add 'es'.
Box – boxes, watch – watches, bus – buses, gas – gases

For nouns ending in 'f' or 'fe' you must change 'f' to 'v'.
Wolf – wolves, wife – wives, leaf – leaves, life – lives

Some nouns have very different plurals
Child – children, woman – women, man – men, mouse – mice

Nouns ending in vowels; a, e, i, o, u and 'y' do not have definite rules. You must learn them.
Baby – babies, toy – toys, kidney – kidneys, potato – potatoes, stereo – stereos

There are a few nouns that have the same form when they are singular or plural.
Sheep, deer, series, species

Lesson by Tristan, teacher at EC Malta English school

Now choose the correct form of the noun in the following:

  • 1. I have two _ .

  • 2. There are two _ who want to speak to you.

  • 3. Some people do not wear _ anymore.

  • 4. There are too many _ in the city.

  • 5. There were a lot of _ in the field.

  • 6. We saw many _ in the flat.

  • 7. Europe does not have many _ in its forests.