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Past Tenses

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Apart from some irregular verbs (drink > drank > drunk), the past tense of regular verbs is made by adding -d or -ed to the base form of the verb. The past simple tense is also often the past participle form (play > played > played).

The Past Progressive Tense

"He was talking."

The past progressive or past continuous tense is formed using the simple past form of be (was/were). The main verb in the sentence is the present progressive form ("talking").   This tense tells us about a continuing action, something that was happening at some point in the past.

The Past Perfect

"I had already left before you called."

The past perfect combines had (the simple past of have) with the past participle of the main verb. The past perfect shows an action occurred before a specified time in the past.

The Past Perfect Progressive

"He had been waiting for 3 hours before she arrived."

Use the past perfect progressive tense to show an on-going action in the past has ended. It is formed by combing 'had been' with a present participle (-ing).

In each of these ten questions two sentences are incorrect and one is correct. Choose the correct sentence in each case.

  • 1) Which is correct?

  • 2) Which is correct?

  • 3) Which is correct?

  • 4) Which is correct?

  • 5) Which is correct?

  • 6) Which is correct?

  • 7) Which is correct?

  • 8) Which is correct?

  • 9) Which is correct?

  • 10) Which is correct?