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Punctuation – using commas

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Here are the main uses of a comma (,)

Before 'and' or after the name of a person who is being spoken to.
Sarah, where are you going?
Who are you speaking to, Peter?
It seems to me, Mary, that you were right about the forecasts.

Between items in a list.
He bought wine, pasta, a chocolate cake and a lot of other delicacies.

After a verb which introduces direct speech.
She said, “Of course I'm coming to the party.'

After direct speech if followed by a noun or pronoun.
“Of course I'm coming,' she said.

To make meaning clearer to a reader.
In Italy we visited Rome and Florence, and in France we visited Paris and Versailles.

To explain an expression which describes a word before it like a non-defining clause.
Mr Stuart, the driver of the vehicle, was fined for reckless driving.

Before and after words like 'however', 'indeed' and 'therefore' when they are in a sentence.
The company was doing well. Some employees, however, felt they were being exploited.

When a participle expression does not refer to the word before it:
We watched the ship sail into the harbour.
We watched the ship, wondering what it would be like to sail on it.

Lesson by Tristan, English teacher at EC Malta English school

Now select the correct version of the following:

  • 1) Which is correct?

  • 2) Which is correct?

  • 3) Which is correct?

  • 4) Which is correct?

  • 5) Which is correct?