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The Hottest Day!

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According to the radio, August 18th was the hottest day in the UK for two years when temperatures peaked at 32.4C (90.3F) in the south of England. Being 8 months pregnant at the time I was not too thrilled about it but fortunately my office was nice and cool. I do enjoy the sunshine, however, and love what summer brings! Here's a short article about what I love about summer. Unscramble the mixed up words to find the summer vocabulary. Good luck!

Lesson by Caroline

When a (1) teah evaw hits the UK, everybody gets incredibly excited! As soon as the weekend comes, everyone is outside in the park or at the beach getting a (2) nat, or as happens when you're not used to the sun, (3) brunnus!

Us Brits are happy (4) roodsout and wish we could spend more time there. I absolutely love enjoying an evening (5) bequebar with my family, eating burgers and corn on the cob and relaxing together. We also have (6) crameice for dessert of course, to help us cope with the heat.

My family is lucky to live close to the sea so sometimes we even eat on the beach. Every summer my baby cousins come and play in the waves and make (7) snadcaselts, I'm so excited that in a year my daughter will be joining them! After a few days of heat, our heat sensitive bodies tend to get a bit tired and everyone starts wishing they had (8) rai nnigcontidio. Luckily, there is always a nice (9) reezeb by the sea!

What's the correct spelling of the eight words above. Type the words in the spaces:

  • Word 1 is:
  • Word 2 is:
  • Word 3 is:
  • Word 4 is:
  • Word 5 is:
  • Word 6 is:
  • Word 7 is:
  • Word 8 is:
  • Word 9 is: