Planning to take an English Course with EC? Before you come may want to brush up on your English a little and put your English head on. EC see has a free site where you can take daily lessons to really get you in the mood and help get you focused on learning English. But you don’t have to be an EC student to use this site, it’s open to everyone. Register for a free account today so that you can participate in the forum and meet other learners just like you.
We have over 26,000 world-wide signed up users who benefit from free lessons, so isn’t it about time that you joined in the fun too? You don’t want to be left behind do you?
With hundreds of lessons on the site, you are sure to find a lesson to stimulate and challenge you. The exercises are short so they’re perfect for busy people.
Be sure to check back with the site every day for the latest and hottest lessons.
See you there: