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Giving Back at EC

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Here at EC we care about giving back to the communities in all 20 of the cities we call ‘home’. Social responsibility is part of everyday life at EC, with our centres making a special effort to stay green, volunteer, and organise fundraisers throughout the year. We are very aware of just how important it is to participate in global initiatives like World Environment Day, World Ocean Day, and Environmental Clean-Up projects to name just a few examples.

On World Environment Day (the United Nations’ main platform for global awareness of environmental issues) everyone at EC helped to promote a more eco-friendly workplace while raising awareness of current environmental problems. We participated in a number of awareness activities such as avoiding the use of paper with a ‘No-Paper Day, teaching environment-themed lessons in class, and wearing green to work. EC San Diego went one step further and organised a fantastic fundraising activity for World Ocean Day!

Past Corporate Social Responsibility projects at EC include:

  • Fundraising for the 3 Peaks challenge
  • Bake sale, treasure hunt, and car-boot sale with all sale proceeds going towards Hospice Malta
  • Planting fruit trees for the Racehill Community Orchard in East Brighton
  • Charity treasure hunt with the €5 entry fee going to Hospice Malta
  • Supporting The Liberated Feast, with proceeds going to an education and feeding project for a school in Kenya


  • Selling arts and crafts at a car boot sale, with all proceeds going towards Hospice Malta
  • Bringing in food for the food bank and an international food competition with all proceeds going to a local homeless shelter
  • Helping out at The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, a celebration of literature
  • Sorting books at The Bookerie to be delivered to Cape Town schools without a library
  • Helping the Children’s Society by supporting their runners for the London Marathon
  • Arranging cultural exchange and communication among local community members who have English as a second language
  • Cleaning up Biscayne Bay, joining thousands of other volunteers


  • Sorting and organising art supplies that will be donated to schools and non-profit groups
  • A school charity activity day, with staff and students doing a variety of challenges to raise money for local causes
  • Looking after local trees as part of the MillionTreesNYC initiative
  • Helping out at the local Shriner’s Hospital
  • Sorting food and health supplies into boxes which are then donated to community kitchens throughout New York
  • Working with Oxclean to help tidy up the grounds around a local school
  • Helping out with clean-ups at 300 bays, rivers, and beaches all across San Diego County
  • Volunteering for Food Banks in San Francisco and New York

WebWorld Environment Day

Curious about EC’s environmental initiatives? Check out this funky infographic for interesting facts and ‘green goals’.

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