When learning a language, it can get confusing with terminology you may not be used to hearing, and probably weren’t taught when learning your own language. At EC Language Schools, we cover all areas of the structure of English and also offer free pronunciation clinics after classes with plenty of options to practice with social activities and hanging out with your classmates and friends made while at school.
In addition we often have downloadable eBooks that focus on areas that need extra attention. Later this month we are releasing one on vocabulary – but what is it and why is it important to learn?
Having a good English language vocabulary is essential for effective communication. From reading to writing, having the right words can make all the difference. It’s important to remember that learning a new language isn’t just about mastering grammar and pronunciation – it’s equally important to have an extensive understanding of terms and expressions. Check out our blog posts for more tips and add the following too:

- Read widely in different genres – whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, books are great sources of words and phrases. The more you read, the more exposure you’ll have to different contexts in which words are used.
- Keep a list of new words – when you come across an unfamiliar word during your reading, note it down in a list and look it up later. You could also use online tools, such as flashcards and quizzes, to help you learn them.
- Use vocabulary in conversation – once you’ve learnt some new words, start using them in your everyday conversations with friends and family. This will help embed the words firmly in your memory.
- Play word games – language-based board games like Scrabble are great for developing your English vocabulary skills, as is doing crosswords or solving anagrams.
Taking the time to develop your English language vocabulary can make a huge difference to how well you communicate. Make sure you give yourself plenty of opportunity to explore new words and phrases so that you have the resources to be able to express yourself effectively.
By starting to build your vocabulary, you will be able to formulate sentences more easily when you start learning grammar. Start with areas you will need and areas of interest too like travel items, food, shopping, information about yourself and hobbies.