Beate spent 2 weeks with us at EC London 30+ and tells us a little bit about her time and also a little advice too!

I spent 2 weeks at EC London 30+ and I did 2 weeks in April his year.
I recommend EC to a friend because the school is rather small, classes are not more than 12 pupils teachers do a very good job. They are different but all well prepared. The pupils come from all over the world and it’s interesting to talk and discus from the sight of different cultures.
London is my absolute favourite town. I visited it for about 12 time. I’d like to extend the coporate design “orange” and give a bag to every pupil at the first day, including a file, a writing pad and pen, then put a hole puncher in every classroom that everyone can put the notes from the course in the file at once to have not a heap paper in the bag. The students will take these things in their home-country, remember the name of your school for a longer term and perhaps recommend EC more often. Perhaps install a wall where pupils can ask for accompaniment. Many arrange for activities but some are shy.
My favourite hang out in the evening is pub. The best thing to do at the weekend is explore the city and outskirts, visit markets, take a coffee and watch people, shopping, make a picknick in a park, etc..
I did 2 weeks in April this year and I’ll come back next year.
If you are interested in studying English in London, check out our website for courses which we offer.