On Thursday, February 10, EC Boston English school students volunteered at Community Servings, an organization that provides meals to people who are critically ill and living at home.
Vivian, Sara, Latifah, Mazen, and Gely, along with EC teacher, Stella, worked in the kitchen at Community Servings. They assembled more than 600 meals, which were delivered to patients around Boston later in the day.
Even though the work kept them busy, they were able to chat and joke with other volunteers, especially a friendly group from Bank of America. The atmosphere in the kitchen was cheerful, with music on the radio and everyone working towards the same goal – helping someone in need.
All the EC students are looking forward to returning to Community Servings in the future.
EC Boston plans to have at least one volunteering activity every month – check the activity calendar or posters for the next opportunity to volunteer!!
For more information about the organization you can visit www.servings.org