Congratulations to Doohun “Juanito” Hwang on being chosen for the first-ever “ECelebrity of the Month”!
Juanito is from Korea and has been studying here at EC Boston since March 2011.
Here are some of things that people said with their nomination of Juanito:
“He is very reliable, trustworthy, kind, and friendly. That is why I choose him”
“He is the one! Everybody knows him. He speaks Spanish almost like a native speaker. He is awesome!”
“Because he is the soul of the party! Juanito makes us happy everyday.”
Juanito will be our ECelebrity for the month of July and will attend events through out the month.
If you or someone you know would be a great ECelebrity, let us know!
Applications for the August ECelebrity will be accepted until July 22nd. Pick up an application at the front desk.