16th February 2010 is Pancake Day, or ‘Shrove Tuesday.’ This day is traditionally a day of final feasting before entering the Christian penitential period of Lent the following day – ‘Ash Wednesday.’ Lent is a time for turning to God, and showing faith by fasting, or giving up certain indulgences. Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday were a perfect way to use up any leftover rich food stuffs such as eggs, milk and sugar, which would have to be given up the next day.
110g/4oz plain flour, sifted
2 eggs
200ml/7floz milk mixed with 75ml/3floz water
50g/2oz butter
To serve: lemon juice, golden syrup, sugar, chocolate sauce
Sift flour and a pinch of salt into a mixing bowl. Break eggs into a well in the middle of the bowl. Whisk the eggs. Gradually add water and milk mixture into the bowl, still whisking. Whisk until mixture becomes a smooth batter. Melt butter in a pan, then spoon some of it into the mixture. Leave the rest of the butter in the pan to lubricate it. Pour the batter into the hot pan. Allow to cook for approximately 30 seconds, then flip over to the other side. When fully cooked, serve with your favourite topping, then move onto the next pancake! Yummy!