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Paola Andrea Jaimes Quinonez – What Do You Like About EC Brighton?

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At EC Brighton, we love our students. Our staff work hard to see that they have the most rewarding experience possible. We are always communicating with our students, seeing that their needs are met and that they can get the best EC has to offer them. Not only to support them with any difficulties they may face in travelling, learning, or growing accustom to the culture and city, but to ensure that EC Brighton is always improving and doing more for the students. With so much on offer when studying Courses of English in the United Kingdom, what exactly do people appreciate about our school?


My time at EC Brighton was more than amazing…

Pao pic 1

It was a very enriching experience that contributed to my personal and cultural growth.

As a language school, EC Brighton gave me all the tools that I needed to improve my language in classes geared towards to develop my communicative skills. The teachers and all the staff were just great!… They were always willing to help me and guide me through the learning process.

I’ll never forget the people that I met in Brighton… It was interesting to learn about other cultures and learn about their traditions… Now I have friends around the world that are such a nice people and the time that I spent with them was wonderful and special!

I just can say that those 8 months were and will be unforgettable…

Thank you again for everything!!!



The North Laines of Brighton are a unique and sought after hotspot of the city. With so many retailers from local studios to high end fashion, the Laines truly is a treasure trove of bustling business. If you prefer to shop in generic stores that can be found anywhere, Churchill Square has all the familiar global dominating brands. Here at Manchester Street we are literally a stones throw from the sea, with the Kemptown night life and Brighton city centre on your doorstep. As Romina describes, this city truly is ‘never boring’.

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