IT’S BEEN RAINING!! 🙁 This is not good.. What sort of welcome is this to the new students?! “Welcome to England! You know you boarded the right plane because it was sunny when you got on and raining when you got off!” What a hoot!
Ho hum, I suppose this is the reason English people always talk about the weather – it changes every 5 minutes!! We love it though, not only because it gives us something to talk about, but also because we get the seasons!
Lots of students come to England and tell us about their excitement to see snow for real for the first time, not just in photos! They mention that it’s nice to see everything change colour over the months as we switch from one season to the next. From every shade of green to golds, ambers and reds. My favourite bit is when you get those crunchy leaves on the ground – I’m always happy to go slightly out of my way just to step on it and hear that satisfying crunch underfoot. It makes my day!
Good lord, enough of this!! It’s still (technically) summer time!! We won’t have the Winter Solstice for a long time.. however the Autumnal Equinox is next month.. Oo-err! This is a bit worrying.. But it means shopping shopping shopping for new warmer clothes yessss!
Bristol is the BEST for shopping – there’s Cabot Circus, about a 10/15 minute walk from EC Bristol and Broadmead along the way. Here you will find some of the biggest and well-known shops from around the world.
Or, if you’re a bit like me and prefer to go to smaller shops to buy items that are less likely to be everywhere you look, then I would suggest Park Street or Gloucester road. Park street has some amazing shops that sell to a wide range of niche markets – some for fashion and some for practical or entertainment value. But I’ll tell you this – you won’t be disappointed!! Gloucester road has some great food stores and markets alongside some independent shops again. One shop sells food from literally all over the world: Crocodile, Zebra, Kangaroo, Ostrich, Zebra, Springbok, Frogs Legs, Snails, Camel, Kudu and Wildboar!! Crazy.. Look it up, it’s called Zulu! 🙂
I’d better go now; I have to take some time to enjoy my amaaazzzing doughnut from Pippins 🙂 Yum yum yum…
Have a good day!
Fay xo