I like that word. It cheers me up when describing something that should make me a bit sad.
Drizzle is a good word to use when describing that funny rain that’s really light and floaty. It’s not heavy enough for you to get an umbrella or use a hood on your coat, you can’t escape it! You get wet no matter what you try and do and your hair WILL be a mess after just a few seconds outside.
It makes Bristol look pretty though, sort of all foggy and misty…. This is my way of putting a good spin on weather that isn’t so great. That’s what it’s like though at this time of year… AUTUMN.
Good lord…. I’m talking about the weather AGAIN!? Why do I keep doing this to you?!
Well on to another subject, we had the Welcome Event at a great bar / restaurant just over the road yesterday called Start The Bus. An odd name I agree, but a memorable one. They refitted the entire place around a week ago so quickly and it looks fantastic. Really classy and elegant, but still with some quirky bits too 🙂
The food we had was wonderful! 2 platters of super-healthy vegetarian food (a platter is a big plate of food that you share between a group of people) 2 platters of some meaty goodness and 2 platters of some hand cooked chips and dips. Mmmm……. it was amazing. I knew the food was good there, but I was really surprised with how tasty it was!! Plus, it looked fab when they brought it out.
We had lots of candles in coloured jars on the table with big jugs of icy cola and orange juice. I’m pretty sure everyone had a good time, they all had a big smile on their faces and we stayed for a long time!
I hope you will be able to come to one of our welcome events soon? It would be lovely to meet you.
Oh and just a quick note.. One of our new arrivals this week told me that she came to EC Bristol because of my blogs – she’s all the way from Croatia and she’s lovely!! I’m so happy to hear that people enjoy reading them and actually want to visit not only Bristol, but some to EC Bristol too!! So, I know I say it a lot, but I really would like to meet you all one day, or to just hear from you on the Facebook would be amazing. As always it’s www.facebook.com/ec.bristol
Have a lovely time doing whatever it is you’re doing and I will write soon!!
Peace outttttt
Fay xo