EC English Blog

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Ingmar. Has. Gone.

He has left us to fend for ourselves for 2 weeks!! He’s gone to Spain with his wife and his lovely little girl! We will miss them popping in ๐Ÿ™‚

Hopefully he won’t be interrupted too much on the holiday… he’s always on the phone or skype or something else to someone! Super duper busy indeed.

A few more of the students here were asking me about the blog ๐Ÿ˜€ I showed them the easiest way of finding us, the facebook!


So fingers crossed they’ll tell some more of the students here and they’ll get involved too. I love welcoming new readers into the depths of the EC Bristol blog…… haha.

Thursday is coming to an end, it’s gone really quickly! Guess who we said a teary hello to today? ANA!!!! Yesssssss, Ana is back! Thank the lord! I’ve missed her here on reception with me. Since Anne-Louise discovered her office and her own desk I’ve felt a little lonely here all alone, so I’m really glad to have her back ๐Ÿ™‚ And she brought pressies for us!! She bought me a fan, but left it at home so I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m sure it’s beautiful, plus one more for Anne-Louise. Some Spanish food for Ingmar and a few other bits and bobs too. Lovely lovely lovely – thanks Ana, we love you!

Anne-Louise and Ana are out at the moment actually, buying stuff for the amaaaazing new residences I told you about yesterday. They’re kitting the flats out as we speak with delightful items to enjoy while you stay here. I’m jealous! I want some pretty things for my house!

Any who, I don’t want to bore you toooo much with all my ramblings. But get this, I haven’t said ONE word about the weather! YES! Jump for joy!!!

Well then, I’d better be off. Keep smiling!

Fay xo

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