by Sheetal Makhan / AYC
On Tuesday, 21 May staff and students observed the annual World Day for Cultural Diversity.
According to its website, the 2013 campaign encourages people to take action to support diversity and it aims:
-To raise awareness worldwide about the importance of intercultural dialogue, diversity and inclusion.
-To build a world community of individuals committed to support diversity with real and every day life gestures.
-To combat polarization and stereotypes to improve understanding and cooperation among people from different cultures.
Some staff members came to school dressed in traditional attire – all in an effort to celebrate the melting pot that is South Africa (AKA “The Rainbow Nation”)
At 3pm, everyone gathered in the student lounge to acknowledge this special day. We were even treated to a traditional Xhosa song! Teachers then took part in a short piece of the “Welcome to Cape Town” song performed by the Cape Town Minstrels. In addition to this, students who wished to, could stay on and enjoy a DVD about the cultural diversity in South Africa.
As is South African (and EC Cape Town culture!), no one left empty-handed. Everyone was given a little bag of spices with a recipe for a traditional Cape Malay Curry.
We all had a wonderful and very colourful day enjoying and embracing each others cultural identity, which is so easily forgotten in today’s global community.