As I mustered the courage to brave the 3 minute walk from building one to the venue for the evening’s entertainment, I admit to feelings of anxiety, the whole of the back room had been booked and I was a little unsure of whether a sufficient number of students would turn up to fill the place.
I needn’t have worried, after a slow start, people began trickling in, before they started arriving in droves, all keen to find me to receive the golden ticket, or free drinks token. One class had been instructed to ask me for the vouchers using the phrase “pretty please, with a cherry on top”, which led to chaos and confusion as students made their way across the room, but became stuck desperately wracking their brains, trying to remember what they were supposed to say, looked quizzical and then burst out laughing.
Groups gradually settled down with their teachers in some cases and with friends they had made on the course. Cameras were produced and the dim lighting was punctuated by the flashes of digital cameras and exclamations of ‘again’. In one case I was asked to try to look ‘nice’, which had the table next to me giggling and me attempting my best Hollywood smile.
The fun continued and rounded off the 12 weeks fantastically well. Good luck with the exams everyone, it’s been fun!