Written by Federica Eliana Magrì, blogger @http://lamodacomepiaceame.wordpress.com/
It’s official: London is a multicultural, non-stop city of 1001 things to do 24/7.. Living and studying for a period in one of the coolest city in Europe is a life-forming experience that cannot be easily matched.
Are you planning to come in London? Have you got some doubts?
Do not be scared to make a mistake.
Do not be scared to walk alone (in a cosmopolitan city).
Do not be scared to love it. Do not be scared to hate it.
London is calling you because it would like to make you happier than you are.
Are you ready? Let’s discover together what needs to be known before booking a flight for London.
I made the decision to live in London after a life changing experience in Tenerife where I became a blogger and I felt in love with the idea of having new experiences and realizing my dreams. I think, in fact, that do something big and courageous, and outside your comfort zone, add a positive attitude, a fresh confidence and new sensitivity. Let’s be honest, it is not all rosy but I believe that nothing is impossible.
Since moving to London nearly three months ago, I have met a lot of new people, I have some new friends with ‘F’ in capital letter, I have satisfied my need to walk off-the-beaten-track and alternative places, I have gotten a voulenteer job in a charity shop, I have learnt proper English and I have really grown up as a person. I’ve smiled and I’ve also cried, but I do not regret the choice I have done.
What are the Pros and Cons of living in London?
The weather. It really does rain as much as they say (I’m blogging and it is raining :)). The total number of ‘rainy days’ is very high as a lot of those days are grey because of this you can become really depressed and un-movivated. You must be able to find the sun inside you when outside it is wet and cloudy 🙂
Transports in London. Do you like travelling by bus and tube? Well, after three months in London I really miss a car and public transport in Italy! Getting on is a dramatic experience, namely: every morning you take the risk of being pushed by millions of people. It’s also extremely expensive, compared to any city in the world.
The British accent. The British accent is not the same all over London. There are accents from all over the country and from other foreign countries. Even London has accents from different parts of the city. For me all this is interesting because my ears love to listen an incredible number of different sounds, it is like a pleasant melody for my ears. I believe that the most of people can find it problematic.
Food. Is it really as bad as they say? I personally think the added value of being in London is that it is extremely multicultural in all aspects, especially food. For example, I love street food and here I am always up for trying something new. London’s East End is one of my favourite areas to taste new specialities from different countries.
Beer and pubs. Do you prefer a glass of French or Italian wine? An authentic Londoner drinks beer. An authentic Londoner goes to the pub after work, after lessons and to celebrate every special occasion. Drinking beer is mandatory to survive in London!!!
Tea time. Does not matter what time is it, it is always tea time. And no, they do not normally have scones or shortbread with their tea. Usually they have nothing at all!
Cheers. The Brits do say ‘cheers’ all times. Cheers is an interchangeable word and can be used in several different contexts without a definied purpose (as in saying ‘thanks’, as a version of ‘salud’ while drining a beer). At the beginning it will be difficult to get used to it, I now use it when I want a smile from a Brit ;-).
London is just not a very convenient place to live. It is expensive, not only for transports.. People do not move here easily, a reason why it is difficult to make friendship. You waste hours on the crowded tube sitting next to a Londoner that drinks beer or tea saying ‘cheers’ in one of the different accents. The food is not so bad if you like to experiment.
Of course, all these aspects become positive if you are open-minded, you are curious and you are not just trying to conform to what society expect you to do. London is more and more. London is 1001 things to do. Markets. Museums. Events and festivals. Parks. Fashion. Theatres. Travel around Europe (London has five airports and there are a lot of budgets airlines to go around. Are you exhausted? Have a break in another city!!!).
London. Whatever you want, you can find it. Whatever you want, you can do it.