Hey! I’m Rose Buchberg, ECLA’s new Student Services Coordinator. Born and raised in Hollywood, I’ve grown up in the entertainment world and around many different cultures and lifestyles. I studied Japanese at CSU Monterey Bay and Waseda University in Tokyo, and I just moved back to LA after working in Osaka. I wanted to join EC because I understand the importance of knowing different languages, especially English. I want to be in an international environment and help make the world a little more connected.
I love travel and have visited over 10 countries! Karaoke and swimming are my greatest hobbies, and you’ll often catch me checking out a new restaurant or event every weekend. I know what it’s like living in a place where you don’t speak the language well, but studying, working and integrating with society in a foreign country has been the most rewarding experience of my life. Come talk to me if you want recommendations on what to see in LA, need help or just want to chat! I love helping students who study ESL in Los Angeles!
Find out more about learning English in Los Angeles!