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EC Montreal Shares Tips to Stay Warm this Winter!

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Although Montreal is a “hot” city year-round, we are sometimes faced with extreme and harsh climate conditions.  As most of our EC Montreal students are not used to winter weather, it is so important to share tips on how to cope with such extreme temperatures.

EC Montreal students are introduced to the Underground city on their very first day at EC!  The underground was built specifically because of Montreal’s harsh climates.  It is connected to the metro system and to 73 buildings in the downtown area.  You can get around without being exposed to the outdoor climate.

EC Montreal also has a winter basket available to students at the front counter.  The basket is filled with winter gear that students are invited to dig into if they don’t have the proper winter attire.  We call it our “kindness” basket.  Keeping our extremities warm; our heads, hands and feet makes a huge difference in staying warm.

Below are some additional tips from environment Canada on how to prepare and deal with cold weather.

1) Listen to the weather forecast

  • Check the Environment Canada weather forecast before going out.
  • Listen for a wind chill warning. Warnings are based on local climate and are issued when significant wind chills are expected.
  • Visit Environment Canada’s new Weather and Meteorology website:

Weather forecasts are available through radio and TV broadcasts, Environment Canada’s Weatheradio service, and online at

2) Plan ahead

  • Develop a cold weather safety plan in advance to ensure that safety concerns are addressed when it’s very cold, or when the wind chill is significant. For example, schools could hold recess indoors, outside workers could schedule warm-up breaks, and those involved in winter recreation could reduce the amount of time they spend outdoors.

3) Dress warmly

  • Dress in layers, with a wind resistant outer layer.
  • When it is cold, wear a hat, mittens or insulated gloves. Keep your face warm with a scarf, neck tube or facemask.
  • Wear warm and waterproof footwear. When it is very cold, or when the wind chill is significant, cover as much exposed skin as possible. Your body’s extremities, such as the ears, nose, fingers and toes lose heat the fastest.

4) Seek shelter

  • When the wind chill is significant, get out of the wind and limit the time you spend outside.

5) Stay dry

  • Wet clothing chills the body rapidly.
  • Remove outer layers of clothing or open your coat if you are sweating.

6) Keep active

  • Walking or running will help warm you by generating body heat.

7) Be aware

  • Watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia.
  • Some people are more susceptible to the cold, particularly children, the elderly and those with circulation problems.
  • Check on elderly relatives and neighbors to ensure they are warm enough and have sufficient supplies, particularly when the weather is cold or snowy. They might not feel comfortable going outside to shop and may require food, medications and other supplies.
  • The use of alcohol, tobacco and certain medications will increase your susceptibility to cold.

These tips have been brought to you by Environment Canada in collaboration with Public Safety Canada.

At EC Montreal our students’ safety is our main priority.  We want you to enjoy the beautiful season of winter but always keep warm and stay safe!

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