EC Montreal is hosting a group of Brazilian teenagers for a two-week period. They have been following EC’s Young Learner curriculum.
In our Young Learners programme, students learn in a warm and dynamic environment. Every week, the lessons are of a certain theme. Students work in pairs and groups with a variety of audio and video materials.
The students develop strategies to improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, however, the focus is on the spoken word. Students practice the language in fun pair and group activities and the aim is for them to gain confidence to communicate in their new language environment.
The students have project work every week and on Friday, they present their work to the class. This week’s theme was “Create a Nation”. Students had to invent their own country, nation or planet. They had to create the flag, the currency, the attributes, resources and all other facts about their nation. The students were divided in 5 different teams. For their presentation, they decided to hold a Nation’s fair and invite other students from the school to visit their booths.
We were all blown away by their creativity and hard work. The amount of details they came up with was outstanding! The visiting classes were given a list of questions to ask. They were asked about the countries agriculture, culture, climate, residents and so much more. The students answered the questions so confidently and with great passion! They made very country look so inviting!
A special thank you to our teacher, Katrina, for leading the project work this week! It looks like the students really improved their English skills and had a lot of fun in the process!
We look forward to next week’s Government and Politics theme!
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