Every week, EC Montreal staff meets with our departing students to seek feedback on their experience. Getting this feedback is essential information to improve our services and to respond to student needs. This week we met with students from Brazil, France, Switzerland, Japan and Germany. Here is what they had to say about their time at EC:
Laura From Germany
I have done French classes for 3 weeks to improve my French. I have chosen this school in Montreal because I could speak English in my free time and improve my French at the school. It worked out really well. The teachers are really nice and you learn a lot in the classes. EC is a also fantastic to meet new friends from all over the world! The lessons and free time activities were planned really well and everybody was friendly. I can really recommend this school but if I cold change one thing it would be to stay longer because 3 weeks is a little bit too short to improve your language totally. But, all in all it was great and I want to thank all the teachers and students for the wonderful time!
Natsumi From Japan
I chose Montreal because I wanted to learn both French and English. I took only French class at EC but I spoke French at class and I spoke English with my friends too. I am sure that I improved my French and English but not enough. I will stay here until October or November so I will do my best. My teachers were kind and I would like to sincerely thank the team of teachers.
Nicole From Switzerland
I chose Montreal to learn French and to practice my English. At the school I was able to meet a lot of people from different countries and learned about different cultures. Thanks to the activities organized by the school I was able to visit Quebec City that I really enjoyed a lot. I stayed with a homestay family who was very kind and who made me feel at home. I really liked my stay in Montreal.
Anonymous From France (translated from French)
I chose this destination because I had already done a trip to Canada in 2017 and I had fallen in love with this city. In addition, my cousin lives here. I learned a lot of English, especially my speaking skills. I really enjoyed the method in which the courses are taught with activities that are really interesting. A lot of my friends have done this type of experience in London. I am happy I chose this destination as I have had a beautiful experience here.
Raquel From Brazil
I chose Montreal because the history of the city and the people speak many languages. I learned French and I improved my French a little. My favorite EC activity was the tour of Little Italy because the neighborhood was beautiful and I tasted an amazing coffee. I didn’t like my first teacher so much in debutant 1. My accommodation at La Marq was good but my roommates weren’t so friendly. I would recommend EC to a friend. Some of my new friends are from Mexico and others from Brazil. The social leaders are nice. I will remember Montreal in the best way possible. It’s a great city!
Come to study and learn English in Montreal Canada! Make this city your top destination.