Every week, EC Montreal meets with our departing students to get feedback on the students’ experience. We want to know how our student felt at EC and if they have any suggestions on how we can make their time at EC even better. These student comments help us to improve our services and to truly address our student needs.
This week, we met with students from Japan, Colombia, Algeria and China. Here is what they had to say about EC Montreal:
Michiko From Japan
I learned English and French at EC Montreal. My level was elementary. I really liked the ice cream festival and liked my host family too.
Pablo From Colombia
I chose this city because I have some friends here. For me, it was easy to stay there in their house. On the other hand, I wish to know the city more. I learned some new expressions, use of grammar and vocabulary. I am in the intermediate level. Actually, I think that I am ready to go to the next one. My favorite activity was the class “English for Work”. It allowed me to know more about the work culture in Montreal and also the terms in a work environment and other cultures. I will recommend EC to a friend. I think it is a serious college. I like that. I will always remember my classmates and the very kind people at EC.
Malik From Algeria
I didn’t choose this destination. MSF did it for me. I learned to have more confidence in English. I think that I improved moderately. Three weeks was not enough time. I think that taking the 30 lessons programme has helped me a lot more. It forced me to improve my speaking English. I enjoyed the cosmopolitan atmosphere with students from different cultures and nationalities. It was rewarding.
Zihao From China
I like my class and my teachers were nice. EC Montreal is a good place to study. I have been very happy these past 4 weeks. Thanks to all of you!