EC Montreal announced our August teachers of the month today! Every month our amazing team of student ambassadors distribute voting ballots to all our students. The ballots have two simple questions; who was your favorite teacher and why? All the votes have been tallied and the comments have been read and we are excited to announce the winners in August are Peter and Yasser!
We first went to Peter’s class and all the students cheered with so much enthusiasm! Peter was presented with a teacher of the month gift and certificate. His students posed proudly with the winning teacher!
Next, we surprised Yasser! Although his group was a lot smaller, the students were all very happy for him.
We want to thank all the students who took the time to vote and for writing the most wonderful comments about our teachers. Every single EC Montreal teacher received at least one vote!
We are delighted to share all the comments with all of you. This is what our students had to say about our EC Montreal teachers:
Gentil, le cours est très interessant.
Good lessons!
He is the best.
Il nous donne beaucoup d’occasions de la conversation.
Understanding students.
He explains well.
She is kinds, I love her.
He worries for my attendance.
Très dynamique et amusant.
He is very friendly, and he explains by different words when he uses difficult words.
She is perfect.
She is so funny and active.
Because he is very nice and his methods, too.
Elle est très active et drôle.
Very patient and makes the class dynamic.
Bonne classe.
His English is easy to understand.
She always gives me new material.
Nice smile!
Beaucoup de vocabulaire et des situations réels.
He is very kind.
Very engaging in wanting her students to improve.
I like her classes.
Parce qu’il est une excellente personne.
She is so patient, nice, all her classes are fund and creative.
Is the best.
Because she is patient and empathetic.
He is kind.
It’s great and she helps me always.
She’s really intelligent and her classes are super fun!
Il est bon professeur.
It’s very good. Explain very well.
Amazing class.
She is the best.
I like his classes.
She has a great passion.
Because she is simply the best.
Very funny and his classes are always interesting.
I love the way she teaches.
Because explains grammar.
The lessons are very active, we see a lot of grammar, reading and writing. I enjoy her classes.
Il est très sympa.
Very cheerful and full of enthusiasm towards students.
He is a good teacher.
She’s very nice and patient with everyone
Because he is so cool and he teaches very well.
They are kind.
Because she explains very good.
He always gives us many challenges to write and speak.
He is so kind.
Because I can tell him “Salam”
She explains everything in detail, very interested in your learning.
High communication skills.
She is my best teacher.
Because I think the classis so dynamic and I always understand everything.
He’s funny.
She is a really good teacher, very competent and professional.
Funny and Interested.
She is so cheerful and friendly.
Is very friendly and comprehensive.
She is friendly.
His class is very interesting.
Très bon professeur.
Il utilise bonne exemple pour faire des activités.
Interesting and dynamic classes.
Funny, makes every lesson different.
Her classes are very interesting, never boring!
He is always with good energy.
She really thinks about each student.
I like her style.
She is a really good teacher because she cares about her students.
The best teacher!
At Montreal ESL we like to recognize the effort of our collegues !!