Rafael Cezar Caaretto is a student from Brazil participating in EC Montreal’s English programme. Sadly, this is his last week at EC. Here is what he wanted to share with everyone about his EC experience:
I chose Canada because I have never been here before and because I think the Canadian accent is better for me to understand when comparing it to England and South Africa, for example. I studied English here and I liked that I had the opportunity to practice my speaking, which was not good. The classes were very dynamic and offered many opportunities for me to improve my abilities. About my accommodation, I liked to stay in a homestay because I needed to speak English even when I was at home. My homestay host, Paul, was really kind and showed me a lot of beautiful places in Montreal. I would definitely recommend EC Montreal to all my friends back home. Thank you!
We are delighted that Rafael had a wonderful language adventure with EC Montreal and was able to improve his English speaking skills both at school and with his homestay family. We wish Rafael continued success with his improvement and come back to learn English in Montreal and will remind him that he will have access to EC online for another three months after he leaves EC. He can keep his English skills fresh! We will also encourage Rafael to stay active within our EC alumni community.