Dabin Lee is a student from Korea participating in EC Montreal’s Semi-Intensive Bilingual programme which consists of thirty lessons of instruction per week. Last Friday was Dabin’s last day at EC. She wanted to share her feedback with everyone. We are delighted to share it below:
Since I was in Korea I wanted to go abroad to make my vacations. I deiced to come to Montreal and it was the best choice I ever done! Since I came here I met a lot of friends from different countries so I got a lot of experiences. This school allowed me to learn English and French in Montreal , this is one of the advantages you get when you come here! Montreal is a beautiful city, people are so friendly and you can experience different traditions and cultures. And about EC Montreal, well… it is the most friendly school ever! I compared this school with others I’ve been in, and EC in Montreal is great! So… if you have any chance to come to this school, do not hesitate!! I will never regret this experience!!