EC English Blog

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Find Your Voice!

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The year 2020 is an important one at EC!  With the help of everyone who is part of the EC community; our students, our teachers, our staff, our agents and our seasonal activity leaders were all asked to participate in marketing workshops and brainstorming sessions over the past two years.  EC’s marketing director; Ricky Sharma, took the time to go through an exercise with different groups to get feedback on what EC represents, what we believe, what makes us great and what we hope to achieve.  Throughout the session, Ricky was taking notes and as our words matter, he used our feedback to revamp EC’s marketing campaign and brand image.

In looking at our audience and how they see us, he outlined the perception of EC in one single though branched out into 3 parts:

  1. What do we believe?
  2. What drives us?
  3. What makes us special?

What we believe is what we have always stated as EC’s mission statement.  It is Helping Students Succeed in a Global Community.  This is what we have in our minds every day when we come to work.  How can we make our students’ dreams come true; whether they are academic in nature or simply exploring a new destination.  This is why it is so important for us to offer quality in all service areas.

Ricky determined in his sessions with the EC community that what ultimately drives us is becoming a leader in global education and creating a more connected world.  Every week, EC welcomes new students to the family and every week, we watch as they interact with other students from all over the world, forging friendships and staying in touch even years after their departure.  I have been a EC since 1998 and have seen so many wonderful friendships develop.  So many stories have been told; success stories, love stories, immigration stories.  I have heard of students staying connected and becoming an important addition to each other’s lives.  We have heard of students attending each other’s weddings or even planning vacations together even years after they have left EC.  EC helped create these friendships.  We played a huge role in connecting them and making the world a smaller circle.

Lastly, the thought includes what makes us special.  EC’s core values include We Love What We Do.  This is what makes us special.  Why do we love what we do?  How do we show that we love what we do?  We demonstrate this through EC’s 6 new core values:

  1. Be a Leader – leadership is not something that is restricted to managers at the top.  Anybody can possess leadership qualities.  A leader’s actions will help us to achieve our goals and ultimately deliver what we promise, which is success, friendship and a memorable experience.
  2. Be knowledgeable – we encourage everyone at EC, including our students to be curious and to never stop learning.  Knowledge is power and sharing knowledge is is they to delivering exceptional service both inside and outside of the classroom.
  3. Be a storyteller – we all have a story to tell and sharing these stories will help to reinforce our brand and what we believe at EC.  We are more than just a language school.  We are helping students achieve their goals and realize their dreams through this wonderful experience.
  4. Be genuine – the key to success is creating loyal clients.  Our students will remain loyal to us if they trust us.  They can only trust us if we are authentic and genuine.  We want our students to feel like they are part of a family at EC.  Families support each other, encourage each other, love each other and sometimes have disagreements.  We want our students to know that we are not perfect but we care so much about them and if we fail them, we will do everything it takes to regain their trust.
  5. Be inspirational – create opportunities for our students and team to be inspired.  Sometimes a simply conversation will spark inspiration.  Listening to a student deliver a presentation or hearing a success story from a former student will be just what our students need to keep them motivated and encouraged to continue their language studies.
  6. Be innovative – it is important that we keep changing and stay fresh to address or respond to our clients’ needs.  Having technology in the classroom, offering an online learning platform like EC online, for example are examples of moving forward in a new way.  EC is constantly looking to revamp their curriculum or change books or introduce new accommodation or activity options for our clients.

We recently held a team meeting at EC Montreal where we went over the new core values and what discovered at that meeting was that these core values are not new at all!  Everyone shared examples of how we live these different core values each and every day in our interactions with our clients, our homestay partners and agents.  To show the world our seriousness in these values and what we believe, EC has written a manifesto that we have shared with everyone.  This is our declaration and we are so proud to share it with all of you:

We are inspiring people. As a team, a family, we inspire our students, our partners and each other every day. We empower, share knowledge and create success.

We dream big for ourselves and our students.

From a single school, to a global chain, to a leader in global education, our beliefs have never changed. We believe in people and their limitless potential. We celebrate and nurture achievement and embrace every challenge along the way.

With a positive mindset, we innovate and keep moving forward. When we stumble, we pick ourselves up, re-focus and create a new path.

Everyone we meet on this amazing journey helps to shape who we are. These connections will also shape who you are, now and into the future.

Join us to find your inspiration, find your motivation, find your vision,

Find Your Voice.

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