We have been mandated to stay home and close the school by the Quebec government for the past two weeks. We have moved all our classes online and are getting used to this new virtual world! Today, EC Montreal held its first virtual graduation ceremony. We had eleven students leaving this week and wanted to make their departure as special as we could given the circumstances.
We invited them to our virtual graduation ceremony with the following message:
Hello dear EC Montreal students!
We want to invite you to our first virtual graduation ceremony! We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for choosing EC Montreal and being such exceptional students! We wish we were presenting you with your certificates in person. We want to thank you for your patience and understanding as we transitioned to online lessons so suddenly.
We want to say “Congratulations” and “Farewell” to you virtually and hope our paths will cross again one day!
EC has now launched an EC virtual programme so you can continue to study with us at EC!
Please take good care of yourselves and stay safe.
Renee and I look forward to chatting with you tomorrow!
A demain! Felicitations! Merci beaucoup d’avoir choisi EC Montreal! A la prochaine!
Your EC Montreal family
During the ceremony, we had a slideshow ready with all the names of the students graduating as well as information on how our students can continue learning with EC virtual a new platform generated during this covid-19 crisis.
Only a few students showed up to our first ceremony but we will keep promoting it and hope we can re-build our EC community online.
One of our students, Ryuta, could not join because he was flying back home today but sent us a lovely message below:
I’m really grateful for EC and the teachers! I really enjoyed it! Please thank Essadia, Fatiha and Shahrzad for teaching me and they were great teachers!
Hopefully I can come back again!
We will also be introducing virtual activities next week to keep our students engaged. The activities will include a lunch day, a netflix viewing party, a workout, a happy hour event and a concert by our former activity leader, Terry.