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Managing Stress During the Pandemic

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We cannot deny that these are very stressful and trying times.  Never in our lifetime did we ever imagine living through a pandemic and being forced into lock down separated from our loved ones.  We watch the news and see the updates on our social media news feed and cannot believe the number of covid-19 cases rising and the number of fatalities documented every day.  At this point, some of us have been directly affected by the virus, either physically ourselves or by someone we know.  We have watched the heart wrenching images on the media and have mourned for the victims.

At EC, we are trying to adjust to this new normalcy but it is very difficult.  We are offering our English and French lessons online through EC Virtual and are doing our best to maintain a sense of an EC community through our virtual activities.  We are doing our best to distract ourselves and our students as we remain at home.

There are some things you can do to keep your spirits up and to help manage your level of stress and anxiety.  We hope you will give some of these things a try as now more than ever you need to stay safe, keep healthy and strong.

The first thing that we recommend is exercise.  It is the very best thing to keep your immune system strong and to keep you healthy.  It is also the best thing for your mental state.  When you exercise  you release endorphins and this helps to make you happy and positive.  Getting a good sweat really helps to release your stress and feel in control of yourself.  There are many wonderful youtube exercise videos you can follow along to.  Personally, I like to work out first thing in the morning before starting the day.

The next thing that has helped me is to actually groom myself like I am going out.  Take a long shower, wash your hair, put on your make up, style your hair and wear your nicest clothes.  A lot of people spend their day in their pyjamas or in sweat pants and are not bathing every day because they are staying home alone, but this is the worst thing you can do.  By taking the time to get ready, you will feel like you are still you, a productive and capable member of society.  You will not shy away from your video chats and will confidently reach out to people on Teams, Zoom, Facetime or Skype.  Seeing your reflection in the mirror or when you take your selfie, will put a smile on your face.

You need your vitamin D so get outside on your front steps or on your balcony and soak in the sunshine.  The fresh air will also do a world of goodness to your mood and attitude.  They say that vitamin D enters your eyes, so don’t wear sunglasses the entire time you are outside.  If you have a patio table, take advantage of it!  Have your coffee outside or a cocktail at the end of your day.  It will feel like you are going out even though you are staying safe at home.

Learn a new skill while you are at home.  Learn that language you have always wanted to learn but never had the time to do it.  Sign up for EC’s English, French or Bilingual programme.  Stay connected with people from around the globe while you grow and improve yourself as a person.  When this pandemic will be over, you will have so many wonderful advantages as you look for employment or as you try to be admitted to the university or college of your choice.  There are also many other online programmes you can take in terms of cooking classes, music lessons, art lessons and coding.  A lot of places are offering really low prices too.

They also say that baking helps to reduce stress so make a batch of cookies or cupcakes and enjoy a sweet treat during the day.  You can also take a picture of your baked goodies and post your wonderful creations on social media.  You can challenge your friends to a bake off!

We hope these suggestions will help you to cope during this difficult time.  The most important thing is to remember to breath and stay connected.

Stay safe dear friends and when the time is right, we look forward to welcoming you back to our EC Montreal school!

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