We are living very strange and stressful times. We are hopeful that we will get through this and we will look back at this moment as just a moment in history. We are also confident that our industry is here to stay. Now more than ever, given the current global economic situation, many people are looking into improving their skills and focusing on learning something new for the next chapter of their lives. We have heard of many business around the world that have unfortunately closed because of the pandemic. We have also heard that there have been a lot more students applying to university and there are only so many spaces available in each programme. There will be a lot of students on waiting lists.
One of the main requirements for university admissions is proficiency in English. This is where EC can help! Whether you are in a position to travel to EC Montreal or you have time to take some online lessons, EC can help you achieve your linguistic goals. We can help you prepare for your IELTS exam and give you an advantage when applying to the university of your choice.
Canada has shown that they are one of the leading countries in dealing with the covid-19 virus. They have put many guidelines in place to keep the public safe. They have also done so much to help us through this time financially. The Canadian government has offered funding to business, individuals, students and seniors. This is to ensure that the economy keeps going and we all have disposable income to keep spending and investing in ourselves.
The Canadian government has also made international students essential travellers. If you are a study permit holder, you can enter the country at any time as long as you have a 14-day quarantine plan and will be respectful of the government mandates.
We are also lucky in Canada that our schools are members of Languages Canada. This association ensures quality in all service areas of our centers. Languages Canada has been there for us from day one of this crisis to help us get the funding we need and to help us to keep promoting Canada as the best destination for international students to learn English or French. Languages Canada has been working on a safe corridor initiative that is a plan to get our students here safely and keeping them safe throughout their studies.
So, if you are one of the many who needs to improve their skills and plan their future in this new world, remember to choose Canada and choose EC! We will help you achieve your goals! You can get a head start by taking our English or French online classes with EC Virtual.