Michael Jonas Rivero Ortiz from Venezuela has been studying at EC New York since September with his brother Gabriel, and sister Cindy. He started in intermediate and completed his six month study period in upper-intermediate. Michael shared some highlights of his experience, life in New York, advice for future students, and why it’s helpful to study with family.
What do you do in Venezuela?
I study journalism at university because I want to be a sports journalist. I love soccer, baseball, and basketball.
Why are you learning English?
Because it’s super important for my career. Because if you want to interview a soccer player or any sports person, you need a second language. English is better, since it’s a universal language.
Why did you choose EC?
Because I went to an agent in charge of English schools and he gave me three options. The first was too expensive and the second didn’t have a good review. I chose New York because it is in the heart of New York, Times Square.
Why did you decide to study in New York?
I had two options: Miami or New York. I didn’t choose Miami because everybody speaks Spanish there so it would be impossible to learn English. I chose New York because I know it, I’ve been here before, and it’s a multilingual city. If you can understand English ehre, you can understand it everywhere.
What did you like most about EC?
The teachers. All of the teachers are had were amazing. They are always available to teach you and help you in everything. The technology that EC has is amazing, and the lounge is social.
What do you like most about living in New York City?
The diversity of the people and also you can get a piece of every culture here. I fyou want Indian food, you can get it. Venezuelan food, you can get it. Also, it’s a 24/7 city. And the subway!.
Tell me about a memorable EC Experience:
Spirit week/Halloween week- that was my favorite week. You should do it more!
Where is your favorite place in New York?
Wow, I have so many. To relax, Central Park. Also, the sports stadiums.
What advice would you give to someone starting at EC?
Think in English. Watch TV in English. Listen to music in English. Try to be with natives.
You are at EC New York with your brother and sister. How was studying with them? Was it helpful? Would you recommend that other students study with family members?
It was very good because you have part of your family near you, and you practice English with them and it’s amazing to study with family.
Fun facts about yourself:
I’m crazy about sports, especially soccer. My favorite team is Real Madrid. I know everything about all sports!
Favorite food in NY: $1 pizza
Favorite food in Venezuela: arepa
I never studied English before EC. Everything I knew was from movies, tv, video games.
Congratulations, Michael! We are going to miss you. You can improve your English and live in a New York Homestay with EC English!