Thanksgiving is almost upon us! As every ECSD student loosens his or her belt and buys a pair of leggings (or sweats) for next Thursday, the only thoughts occupying our minds are those of turkey, stuffing, and pie. But Thanksgiving weekend doesn’t just stop after dinner. In fact, it continues throughout the week!
Did you know everyone hits the malls on Black Friday? How about the online shopping craze on Cyber Monday? Donations on Giving Tuesday? We don’t want any of our international students to miss the craze, so here are brief summaries of each of these American Thanksgiving week traditions:
Black Friday: In the United States, this is the day after Thanksgiving, regarded as the first day of the Christmas shopping season. On this day, many retailers and shops open extremely early (some as early as midnight!) and offer promotional sales to kickoff the holiday shopping. In recent years, media has said that Black Friday is the busiest shopping day of the year. And we can believe it…make sure to be ready for those aggressive shoppers – the ones who are willing to trample you to grab a product before supplies run out!
Cyber Monday: This is the Monday after Thanksgiving in the United States. If you’re from the UK, you may be more familiar with the term, “Mega Monday.” While Black Friday means a trip to the mall, Cyber Monday is the time to shop online! Online users can find promotional sales and discounts all over the Internet. Cyber Monday grew out of the idea that after a weekend of Thanksgiving window shopping, people can get right back to their high-speed Internet connections to continue buying their holiday gifts.
Giving Tuesday: After Friday and Monday shopping, Giving Tuesday reels you back into the season of giving. Launched last year, Giving Tuesday is a national day of giving to kickoff the annual holiday season. Partners, donors and advocates help stir a marked increase in giving to celebrate and support charitable activities and nonprofit organizations. Give back to your community to start your holiday season really right!