“The Hood” is a popular after-school activity at EC San Francisco led by Gifford, one of our teachers, and is usually offered every week. It’s an in-depth class that explains the history of different San Francisco neighborhoods. Last week, Asako Yamane, one of our dedicated ECers, went to Chinatown with Gifford and a group of other students. Read about her experience here!
“The Hood” is one of my favorite activities at EC. I have participated more than 5 times. Gifford, one of our teachers, takes care of us on the tour and knows San Francisco history very well. He takes us to a lot of interesting places in SF. I joined the other EC students on Gifford’s activity. This time we went to Chinatown. Chinatown is one of the most famous sight-seeing places in SF.
We looked at some temples in Chinatown, parks and markets that have many fresh vegetables and food. Every time he explained about a building, street, and he also said what happened in the past, so that we could learn more about that place instead of going there by ourselves. The most interesting place that we went to was the place that makes fortune cookies. I heard that fortune cookies might have originated in SF. We could see inside and understand how to make fortune cookies, and have some samples. Of course we could buy them.
This is very good for students who want to go around SF and are interested in the history of SF. As for me, I’m very interested in the history of SF, so when I participate in the future, I will enjoy the time.