Why did you choose to study at the EC San Francisco English Center?
Because of the structure of the school, that I could see on the google maps. I also liked the schedule of the classes (one in the morning and one in the afternoon).
What was your favorite thing about EC San Francisco?
The interaction between students and teachers (and also the great welcome we received from everybody at the school- staff and ambassadors).
What is your favorite memory of studying ESL in San Francisco?
Biking over the Golden Gate Bridge until Sausalito and come back by Ferry. I also loved the Parks (Alamo, Lafayette) and the culture of people. For example, going to the park for a picnic.
What advice would you give to a new student learning English at EC SF?
In the first day, things can be strange and scary. But don’t panic! IN a few days you’ll have friends here and you’ll enjoy the classes a lot! And you’ll miss it when you leave.