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Cabbagetown Festival

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Hi everybody, as you know here in Toronto we have people from different parts of the world, living in different neighbourhoods. So in order to let you know more about them, LSC/EC Toronto has decided to post some information about these neighbourhoods every week. Our first neighbourhood will be Cabbagetown and its festival.

Here we go!

  1. Cabbagetown – Festival of the arts


Cabbagetown is a neighbourhood located on the east side of downtown Toronto, on Parliament St., near St. James Town and Regent Park, where you can find the best preserved Victorian houses in all of North America. Cabbagetown’s name derives from the poor Irish immigrants who used to say that they were so poor that grew cabbage in their front yards.

The Cabbagetown festival is considered one of Toronto’s best festivals, which takes place every year in September and this year there is no exception for this cultural event, starting this weekend September 8 – 9, 2012, from 11:00 am to 8:30 pm on Parliament St. North of Gerrard, in Cabbagetown.

The event will bring performers, artists, artisans, dancers, music and food from different parts of the world and more. Come to have fun while you are learning about other cultures, don’t miss it!

For more information, visit the website:


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