Hi, I’m Maria from Germany – far, far away. I want to tell you something about my past and the reasons for my decision to come to Canada, especially Toronto.
So I, the girl from the East of Germany, was born in 1989. I had a normal childhood, crazy friends and hobbies, like graffiti and photo-editing, and a lovely family. I tried different kinds of sports, like dancing, swimming, soccer and badminton. And I finished my sports life with boxing – I loved to be a boxer, my parents did not!
When I finished school, I began an education in the areas of media and communication. Some people can cut hair, I can cut videos in a professional way. But this is not the only thing I had learned. In this time I started to be interested in Social Media. You know what it is? Like Blogs, Facebook accounts, following, liking, sharing – just to be online to be on-line with my friends!
When I began my studies in business administration in 2009 I was a little bit afraid about things like Controlling and Linear Algebra. But then I focused on Marketing, Human Resource Management and Securities Analysis. And then I liked to study! In my last two semesters I did an internship in an online marketing company and wrote my bachelor thesis in the fields of Social Media and E-Recruiting. At this time I got itchy feet. I wanted to see the world, other people, other cities – you know this feeling? I found out which German travel agency could help me to feel better. I looked up on the list, where I could choose to go and there I saw it: CANADA. My first thought: “Amazing, I want to be there!”. I talked to my parents and they said that they wanted to support me in everything I thought was the best for me. So I booked my trip, but then there was the question “Where exactly?. After some time I chose Toronto, because it’s the biggest city with economic background in Canada – And I’m an economist. My agency arranged an interview for me with Elizabeth Whittington from LSC/EC. We talked, laughed and asked each other questions. I felt very comfortable about going there, so I agreed with the offer to start there.
Now I’m here, here in Toronto. My homestay family is very friendly, the people on the streets are very friendly and the staff in my company … Guess what? – They’re very friendly! Today is my fourth day at work, but I’m a team member already. I’ll be here for 6 months and I hope it’ll be the best time of my life.
Best wishes from me to you!