Our wonderful and helpful Student Ambassador Oleg reported on a survey done by EC Toronto students on the subject of what they have learned about Canada!
Canada links all of us. Studying English at EC Toronto is not only going to school and meeting new friends. It is experiencing real Canadian life style and becoming familiar with the culture of this amazing country!
There is a matter of fact about Canada: before coming here, most people imagine it as a combination of moose, hockey and French speakers. That’s why our students are always happily surprised when they first arrive in Toronto: Canada is much more than these world-wide known clichés!
Our Upper Intermediate Students did a survey in EC Toronto and asked different people inside the school about their first feeling about Torontonians. Do you know what the most common answer was? ‘I do love people here!!!’ (Yuka, current Japanese student at EC Toronto). Other very frequent statements were ‘very kind’, ‘friendly’, ‘you can ask everyone’, ‘so nice’, ‘polite’.
People really make the difference. Our students couldn’t imagine Toronto as such a melting pot of different cultures before arriving here, and that’s why they don’t feel culture shock.
If you feel the need to experience different ways of living, Toronto is the place to be! So come join us at EC Toronto!