The only thing I could regret about this English course is not having taken it before. Eleven months have been passed since I started a full immersion English course at EC Toronto. Starting from an Intermediate level, at the end I reached the advanced level. Taking all different kinds of English courses from the General English to the Cambridge English exam preparation (FCE and CAE). Nowadays, I am able to continue my studies in a Canadian college thanks to the tools and support provided by EC Toronto.
Besides the academic experience you will meet wonderful people from many different countries and cultures. I am from Venezuela so, how on earth could I have imagined sharing ideas and magical moments with people from South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Switzerland, France, Germany, Iceland, Turkey, Liechtenstein??? Well, only at EC Toronto my friend…
Don´t think too much, just do it, you won´t regret it.
Tony Strazzeri. Academic year student #ecexperience