EC English Blog

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Studying English in our free classes!

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Guys, every week we provide different free classes to help you. Especially if you want to increase some of your English language skills we strongly recommend visiting our Free Classes for EC Students.

On the week December 8-12 we suggest few interesting classes:

  • On Monday: Writing Wonders.
    Speaking and writing aren’t the same things. Even if your speaking is very strong, it doesn’t mean that your writing is similar. While writing you have to pay more attention for grammar, know correct spelling, etc. Please come to this class if you feel your writing skills needs to improve.
  • On Tuesday: Homework Club.
    If you need help with your core/elective classes homework, or if you are interested to have an extra homework for more efficient English Studying – this free class is for you.
  • On Wednesday: Listen and Write.
    In this class you will practice with dictations. It helps you improve your listening and writing skills. You will be focused on spelling, phrasal verbs, etc.
  • On Thursday: Conversation Club.
    It is a perfect class to increase speaking and listening skills. You will practice with fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, speed, intonation, etc. All these skills will help you to feel more comfortable in every conversation.
  • On Friday: Breaking News.
    Definitely, it is a very interesting and exciting class. You will keep up latest news in the world and work on your reading and speaking skills and, certainly, work on your vocabulary.

These free classes are for all students. Even if your program is ESOL test in Toronto or TOEFL practice test in Toronto it will be helpful and useful for you.

Check out the schedule here:


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