Cesar Romero form Mexico shares his experience while attending the General English course in Vancouver (Low-Intermediate).
Hello everyone! My name is Cesar Romero form Mexico. I would like to tell you about my time in Vancouver.
This is my second time in Vancouver and at EC Vancouver. The first time was so good, but I studied for just 5 weeks. For that reason, I decided to come again for 6 months. This time is better because I can enjoy myself more than the last time and visit many places (Capilano, Whistler, Stanley Park, Victoria, the Rocky Mountains.)
Canadian people are very friendly, warm and nice to anybody even if they are not Canadian. My first day at EC was very hard because I didn’t know anybody and I had to make some friends. But, now, it is easy, so I have many friends who are from Brazil, Japan, Korea, etc. My classmates are very cool and friendly.
My host parents are very nice, so I love them. And this is my second time to live with them. They are living in North Vancouver, which is one of the most beautiful places to live.
It is nice to live here in Vancouver, but sometimes I miss my country, family, relatives and friends, and I really miss my country’s food.
EC offers the possibility to come to Vancouver and stay either in a student residence or in a local host family – check out our Vancouver homestay offers.