Aerum and Melinda are EC Vancouver students who graduated this year. Arum is Korean and Melinda is Italian. They wanted to share their experience making friends at EC Vancouver. Here are their stories:
I made a lot of friends from many countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Japan and South Korea. I enjoyed being with them and I hope to remain in contact with them. My experience in EC Vancouver was so beautiful and it was especially thanks to them.
My advice for future students from my country it’s to come here because the city is very beautiful, the school is very organized and everyone is very kind and available.
My Korean agency recommended I go to EC because it doesn’t have many Korean student. I didn’t expect my class had so many Korean students,
but there were many other countries student too. I’m still keeping in touch with them, which is cool. I really like them. Even the Korean friends that I made my classes are very important to me. It was a very special experience.