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What are phrasal verbs?

Average: 1.8 (186 votes)

A phrasal verb is a verb that has two or more words.

They are basically made of a verb and a particle.

For example:

Turn up means increase volume: Turn up the radio, I love this song!

Call off means cancel: They called off the football game because of the bad weather.

Take back means return: I need to take back these books to the library.

International Women's Day in New York

Average: 4.1 (16 votes)

Sunday marked International Women's Day _1_ the world.

The day when millions of people recognise the _2_ of females and call for gender equality.

Backed by the United Nations, the goal of Women's Day a is to _3_ world more freedoms and opportunity for women.

Women still earn earn _4_ than men in the workplace and are not promoted as often than men.

In some countries women are denied _5_ education, forced into marriage and are at risk of sexual abuse.

Do you know these words?

Average: 3.9 (21 votes)

Learning new words is probably the best part about languages. We find a new word, learn what it means, memorise it and then try to use it naturally in a conversation.

Do you have a note book where you keep a list of new words and their definitions? Many English learners do.

Doesn’t it feel like every time we learn a new word, we forget an old one! It seems like our brain only stores a certain number of foreign words so when we add a new one, our brain deletes and old one! Why is this?

How to form plural nouns

Average: 3.8 (78 votes)

The following sentence contains a singular noun.

They keep their car in the garage.

The following sentence contains a plural noun.

They keep their cars in the garage.

Plural nouns indicate there is more than one of something.

Making plural nouns

When a noun the ends in s, x, ch, or sh, add es to the end:

There is a an old church in the village.
There are two old churches in villages.

Oscar Winners

Average: 3.7 (42 votes)

The Academy Awards or The Oscars were held last night in Los Angeles. The ceremony, now in its 87th year, celebrates the best in cinema over the last twelve months.

What's the best film you have seen recently? Recommend a good movie and why we should watch it. Leave your suggestions in the comments below.

Here are some sentences describing some of last night's events, but don't have to be a film buff (expert) to take this quiz. Read through the sentences and choose the correct missing word.

Uses of prepositions

Average: 3.8 (88 votes)

Prepositions show the relationship between nouns or pronouns.

They are used in a variety of situations, here are five circumstances:

Prepositions of place examples

My text book is on the desk.

Did you learn English in London?

Prepositions of time examples

We go camping in summer.

I'll call you on Friday.

Prepositions of direction examples

We not allowed into the kitchen.

5 food and taste idioms

Average: 1.8 (190 votes)

Meat and Potatoes

The most basic and important part of something is the meat and potatoes.

The meat and potatoes of this newspaper is the business news.

Volunteer work is the meat and potatoes of the programme.

Meat and Drink

When you find a task, that others find difficult, easy and pleasant, it is meat and drink to you.

Most people dislike making speeches in front of audiences but it's meat and drink to me.

Vocabulary Lesson: English in the Premier League

Average: 4 (27 votes)

Living and working abroad is an amazing and challenging experience. You have to adapt to a new culture and a new way of life.

Would you love to live in another country, work in an international environment and be well paid? For football fans, the dream is England!

Friday 13th - Unlucky Day

Average: 4.1 (17 votes)

Did you know that Friday the 13th is considered an _1_ day in Western superstition?

Is this a superstition in your country too?

In English-speaking countries we also say, if you _2_ under a ladder, you will have bad luck.

Breaking a mirror will bring you seven _3_ of bad luck.

It's thought to be unlucky to _4_ an umbrella inside a house.

Vocabulary: Renting an apartment

Average: 4.3 (26 votes)

Looking for a place can be exciting but it's also likely to be a stressful experience.

Places to rent may be limited therefore it is important that you ask at your English school for advice on where to start searching.

The most important thing about renting an apartment is finding a place within your budget.

If places are too expensive you should consider getting a roommate to help with the rent.