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Listening: Meg Ryan Interview

Average: 3.6 (29 votes)

A transcript is a written representation of a conversation or speech. They can be very useful to read as they allow you time to understand, whilst mirroring true conversation. Here is a transcript of a famous interview between Michael Parkinson and actress Meg Ryan.

Read through the transcript and answer the questions below true or false. If, after you have read you would like to watch the conversation in there is a link below the transcript!

Interview Transcript

Parkinson (Interviewer): You said once that acting was not in your nature.

The Olympics Opening Ceremony

Average: 3.3 (9 votes)

I was very excited to hear more details about the Olympics opening ceremony, particularly as it’s in my city this year and some of my friends are performing in it! Read through this article and try to answer the true or false questions below.

What are your opinions on the Olympics? Do you think London will be a good host? As always, let us know your opinions!

If your interested in being in London during the olympics try our London English school.

Lesson by Caroline

So and Such

Average: 1.7 (337 votes)

In English we have many different ways of emphasing a particular point. Words like 'very' and 'extremely' are the most known by students.

Others ways to do this are with 'so' and 'such'.

If you say: "it's so hot today!", it's a stronger emphasis than saying "it's very hot today."

The structure is: SO + ADJECTIVE

Another alternative is by saying "It's such a hot day!" This is also stronger than 'very'

The structure is: SUCH + ADJECTIVE + NOUN

Simple Adverbs

Average: 3.6 (59 votes)

Adverbs describe the way an action is completed and are commonly thought of as 'y' words.

For example, the adverb form of the adjective loud is loudly.

How well can you remember them? In each sentence, replace the adjective with the correct adverb (and be careful with your spelling):

Lesson by Caroline

Idiom of the Day: Tired of

Average: 3.2 (20 votes)

Tired of idiom

This joke is based on the meaning of the word insomnia and the idiom tired of:

Insomnia (in-SOM-ne-ah) is a common sleep problem. People who have insomnia have trouble falling asleep at night. As a result, they get too little sleep or have poor-quality sleep.

Vocab: Choose the correct definition

Average: 2.8 (23 votes)

In this quiz, I’m going to give you a word and two definitions. Your job is to decide which definition is correct. 

When you are finished try and make your own sentences in using the 10 words. Write your sentences in the comments area.

Lesson by Caroline

Music Video: Tracy Chapman 'Fast Car'

Average: 3.4 (20 votes)

This is a beautiful song by Tracy Chapman. Before you listen, read the lyrics as if they were a story and see if you can guess which word goes in each gap. Then listen to check your answers. Can you summarise the story in this song? What do you think the message of the song is?

Common Abbreviations

Average: 3.3 (17 votes)

 Have you ever come across a random group of letters in a conversation or in a text and wondered what they mean?

Sometimes in English, we shorten words or phrases for convenience.

This has become even more common since we began using text messages and emails to communicate.

In each of the sentences below, do you know what the abbreviation stands for?

Can you think of any others?

Which is the correct meaning for each  abbreviation?

Verbs as Adjectives

Average: 3.9 (12 votes)

Verbs are words for doing something, or being something. "This movie amuses me."

In this example, "amuses" is a verb. "Amuses" is what the movie is doing.

An adjective is a word that describes something.

We can use "amuse" as an adjective. If we want to describe the movie with "amuse", we must change "amuse" to "amusing".

"This movie is amusing."

Danny's Reading: What is important?

Average: 3.9 (14 votes)

Herbert W. Armstrong, John Roe, William M. Branham, Leland Jensen, Hal Lindsey, Chuck Smith, John Gribbin, Benjamin Creme and Harold Camper… all names you’ve probably never heard before. And yet this assorted collection of idiots and intellectuals - plus another hundred or so that I’ve left out to ensure that you actually make it past this first paragraph without banging your head repeatedly against the nearest wall in frustration - all have one thing in common…

They all predicted the end of the world.