35% discount on courses in Canada and the US
EC Black Friday Special Offer: valid from November 19th to 30th
- Choose from eight amazing destinations in Canada and the US
- Start your course anytime before 13 June, 2022
- Study with students from all over the world
- Dedicated 30+ schools in Toronto, Vancouver and NY for students over 30 years old
The time has come to make your dream come true and carry out that long-awaited study-abroad trip!
Hurry, you dont want to miss this incredible offer!
Montreal • Toronto • Vancouver • New York • San Francisco • San Diego • Los Angeles • Boston
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Offer ends:
Terms and Conditions
• Offer applies to Brazilian students only
• Promotion valid for reservations received between November 19th - November 30th, 2021
• Course starting before June 13, 2022 at the latest
• Prices must be calculated according to delivery dates. for example. If a student starts in December 2021 and continues into 2022, admissions will be calculated pro-rata using the 2021 and 2022 price lists and will apply 35% off tuition.
• In the event of a postponement (from June 13th), the special offer will be withdrawn and market discount admissions will apply instead, meaning there will be a price difference.

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