So you’ve decided to take a gap year – fantastic! You’ve just made one of the best decisions of your life. Many choose to enter university or embark on the next stage of their careers without taking any time for self-reflection or to work on themselves. While this does work out well for some, quite a few end up wishing that they had spent a year travelling or exploring other opportunities before settling into their studies or work.
By way of explanation, a gap year is a year-long break usually taken by students before they enter university or college; sometimes, employees or workers also take a year-long sabbatical in between jobs. It’s a great way of increasing your overall skill-set, making useful connections and, of course, learning a new language! Here’s why you should consider learning English during your year off, and how we at EC can help you achieve this goal.
1. It will look great on your CV
We live in an increasingly global society, and there’s no getting around the fact that English is still the most widely spoken language across the world, along with French and Spanish. Job seekers are always on the lookout for potential recruits who have a good level of English, no matter in which continent they are based in.
2. You’ll be able to use the language during your travels!
Just picture it – 6 months learning English abroad, and 6 months volunteering or travelling across Europe or another continent. You’ll be able to put your language skills to immediate use after you finish your course, enriching your travel experiences while also ensuring that whatever you’ve learned doesn’t end up forgotten.
3. Think of it as an educational holiday
If you’re the sort of person who feels guilty about leaving your books behind while your friends are busy hibernating in the library, you can immediately put those thoughts to rest. Learning English abroad is one of the best ways of combining both work and pleasure. You’ll be gaining a new skill while getting to know new culture or way of life. There are some things that you cannot learn inside a lecture hall or conference room! What is more, a good knowledge of English is vital, if not compulsory, in order to be eligible for lucrative post-graduate programmes across a variety of fields or disciplines.
Conversely, you could also be the type who shies away from the idea of being stuck inside a classroom; you’d rather be outside trekking along a rugged mountain path or perfecting your selfie skills in front of a Mediterranean sunset. Once again, we’d love to prove you wrong on this. Language teaching has evolved over the years, and is no longer about sweating over boring grammar books or writing endless essays. In fact, many English students now enjoy communicative lessons during which they get to mingle and speak to each other – and have fun while doing so!
4. You’ll make long-lasting, life-enriching friendships
When you learn English abroad, you’ll be surrounding by many other like-minded individuals from all over the world. Unlike backpackers, language students are more likely to stay in one place where the school itself is situated. This means that there’s a greater chance of making deeper and more meaningful friendships that will last.
5. It’s actually good for your health!
Did you know that learning a new language is similar to flexing a muscle – more specifically, your brain muscle! Scientists have discovered that bilinguals have increased attention spans and are better at multi-tasking. Moreover, learning a second language can even increase your understanding of your own mother tongue, as it draws your attention to language structures and abstract grammar rules.
Learn English abroad with EC during your gap year!
Whatever your level of English, we can offer an experience that can help shape your future, strengthen your language skills and experience life in a different country! As one of the leading language institutions across the world, EC gives its students the chance to work on their English while providing a varied programme of excursions. We believe that complete language immersion is the best way to really soak up a new language, which is why we have opened centres in some of the most exciting English-speaking cities in the world. Travel to Auckland in New Zealand and get in touch with nature, or experience big city life in London or New York!
Our teachers are highly trained and experienced, and our lessons place communication at the forefront of learning. And, when you’re not in the classroom, you’re free to explore your chosen study location to your heart’s content!
Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today – get in touch with us today and find out how you can learn English abroad with EC!