Are you enrolled in general English courses and looking for an exam preparation course? Check to see if your university accepts Cambridge Certificates! Our current Cambridge group has just completed 12 weeks and will soon be taking their tests. The Cambridge course at EC Boston will begin again after the New Year.
Students in EC Boston’s Cambridge Preparation Program have been given a new challenge in the past week by their instructor, Sarah DePina: artistic renderings of phrasal verbs! The Cambridge exam involves a section in which students analyze and verbally respond to a set of pictures. One objective of this test is to demonstrate knowledge of and correct use of phrasal verbs.
Phrasal verbs are verbs which have two parts, a verb and another word, typically an adverb or preposition. These students drew pictures and then passed them around and discussed the drawings, trying to guess which phrasal verb was being used.
This drawing is demonstrating the phrasal verb to ‘give in’. You can see the battle begin at the top, the slain foes on the right, and the defeated opponent groveling before the victorious king in the foreground.
Try to guess some of the phrasal verbs below: