Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning in EC London’s cafe, we hold our breakfast club where students can come and discuss the day’s news with a teacher or other EC team member. We have the news on the BBC but we also have a newspaper to discuss topics and new language. Some of the language we have discussed this week is below. We hope to see you at the next Breakfast Club for a chat and hopefully a good English start to your day!
a bin/ a rubbish bin (n, count)= the place you out your rubbish e.g. crisp packet, old paper (British English)
trash (n, uncount) = what you throw away and the place you throw it (US English)
rubbish (n. uncount and adjective) = what you throw away and something that is terrible e.g. That film was rubbish! (British English)
spam mail (n. unc)= emails which are sent to you that you do not want
junk mail = emails which are sent to you that you do not want
uni (n, count) = university e.g. Which uni did you go to? I went to Royal Holloway Uni for 4 years
to soar (v) = to go up quickly e.g. the prices in London have soared / the birds soared above the city
sore/saw = the same pronunciation as “soar)
homophones= saw/sore/soar = an example: words in English with the same pronunciation, but different spelling and different meaning
snowflakes (n. count) = the snow that falls – each individual piece is a snowflake
to waste time = to not spend your time well or efficiently
to benefit from something = to spend your time well doing something e.g. We really benefitted from the EC Breakfast Club!