Haruhiko Shirose from Japan done 6 months Academic year programme in our English School in the UK. At the end of his course he shared with us about her experience here, why did he choose EC London, what he likes about the school and where he likes to spend his free time:

I chose to study at this English School in the UK because I heard from my agent there are many lovely students in EC London. And it’s true. I think my decision was perfect. EC students come from a lot of countries. So we can meet people who know different cultures. That is also my favourite point in EC.
My best memory in EC is Zoo Bar from Social Programme. In Zoo Bar I made a lot of friends. When I came here I was scared of speaking English. But Zoo Bar made me change my mind. It helped me to enjoy EC London. I would definitely recommend EC if someone ask me about language schools in London. I would do that because my English has greatly improved in EC.
My favourite place to hang out is a cafe. As there are a lot of cafe in London we can find it easily. I like talking with my friends in a cafe.
If you would like to improve your English and join one of our English School in the UK, please visit our website for more information. We have many different courses to suit your needs so please have a look.