Tomorrow, 08th March, is the International Women’s Day and also a remarkable day in the women’s rights history. To honor the women around the world, EC Malta had a lovely interview with the teacher Susan Arena, who has been teaching at EC Malta for almost nine years.
Besides telling us a little about her experience, Susan also expressed her opinion about the importance of the day and other aspects, ending with an especial message to all women.
What do you most like about teaching?
There are many things, but mostly it’s very rewarding seeing students improve every week and to know that you’re played a small role in their development. Over the years students have also contacted me how teaming English helped them in their long term ambitions and also what they have achieved as a result. It’s also wonderful to meet people from others countries and cultures.
08th March is a remarkable day in the history of women’s struggle for human rights. What importance do you think International Women’s Day holds?
It’s very important to remember women in history, for example Emily Pankhurst in the UK who strove to get rights for women. Prior to that, women had always been considered to be inferior to men in every way. In some countries, this is still so, unfortunately.
Do you like to celebrate the day in some way?
To be honest, not really. Perhaps, I remember my mother and grandmother and how lucky I was to have such wonderful female role models in my life. At school, however, I like doing a lesson on inspirational women on that day.
Do you believe that nowadays, the women had acquired their space in the labor market as well as in society?
In most European countries, yes. However, there is still room for improvement in many countries.
Taking life abroad as an example, what advice would you give a young female?
Be confident, believe in yourself and your capabilities. Be open-minded, accept and embrace all cultures. Concentrate on positive aspects, don’t focus on things which you cannot change.
How could you relate this day with the importance of learning a new language for example?
In my opinion, learning a new language is always an asset for men and women. However, for those women who live in countries where women’s rights are not easy to get, another language can give them the edge when applying for a job, especially if the language is English!
Finally, what is your message for International Women’s Day?
Women have a lot to contribute to the world, go for it! Whatever your dreams and ambitions are, never give up. You can do it!
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