Student Azam presented an AY lecture about his country, Saudi Arabia. Here are some of his thoughts about his experience preparing and giving the lecture.
How long did it take you to prepare your presentation?
It look two weeks to write, because different ideas came out and Helen and Tatiana helped out. The most important ideas came a day before the lecture, but I had the basic information. So about two weeks.
How many times did you practice?
Twice. Once to Helen and the second time was with my friend Michael.
Did you have experience giving lectures/presentations?
I used to give presentations and speak in front of a crowd. In primary school, we had a topic for the week and everyone gives a presentation about it. Everyone should give presentations.
What did you learn during your preparation and presentation?
It was a challenge. You need confidence and to feel comfortable. You also need to have a little bit of a sense of humor so when it gets awkward. I also played music to help feel more comfortable. Also, I had to remember that it’s not just for me. There were different English levels of students, so there was a lot of vocabulary words I had to change. I had to keep it simple.
EC is a New York ESL school where you can improve your English and meet new people from all over the world!